Antilles + Grown Ups weekend

Smokestacks and Spires

My friend and I have just finished putting together the first issue of our zine, Smokestacks and Spires. It consists of poems and comics books written by myself and the art of Megan Stanton (said friend). The zine is forty four pages and filled to the brim with Megan's artistic genius and some of my semi-coherent ramblings. If you're interested in obtaining a copy give me an email. We can work out details that way. Kid Sister Everything will also be distro-ing copies very soon. I've only got 100 issues total at the moment, getting more isn't out of the question but if I end up getting rid of the ones I currently have, there might be a wait until I can procure more.


Strict Diet: Midwest DIY Videos

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you all a chance to check out some videos of the bands I've posted on a Chicago Area DIY Vimeo channel called Strict Diet. I'd love to record as many shows as I can so if you have and recommendations or would like a show covered hit me up at (or for any film and video needs for that matter).

Please feel free to give me any feedback or response you desire, but overall enjoy; this is for you and the bands.

December Shows

12/02 - Municipal Waste, The Accused, Cauldron, Phobia @ Subterranean
12/04 - Small Brown Bike @ Beat Kitchen (21+)
12/05 - Raein, Native, Bad Words, El Potatoe & The New Yorker, Phoenix Bodies @ Summer Camp
12/06 - Raein, Phoenix Bodies @ The Tower (Cleveland)
12/12 - HWC Inc Holiday Show 09 - Chica X, 97-Shiki, and The Kidults @ Beat Kitchen
12/12 - Raw Nerve, Guinea Kid, Parrhesia, Neurons @ 2831 N. Kostner (Chicago)
12/21 - Dawn, Brainwreck, Sea of Shit, Socially Re+arded @ Halloween House (Indianapolis)
12/27 - Parrhesia, Castevet, Grown Ups, The Reptilian, Good Teeth Gold Teeth @ DAAC (Grand Rapids, MI)